
May 24, 2005 16:26

so..with the countdown of my junior year to 5 days left, we received our schedules for next year. I thought it was kinda interesting..just here's my senior year, even tho I'm sure you don't care, hahahahhaa.

A Days:
Period 1: Semester 1- 20th Century / Semester 2-Modern Problems
Period 2: Semester 1- Consumers / Semester 2- Spanish I
Period 3: Band-Lunch Hour
Period 4: Semester 1- Writing Comp 1 / Semester 2- Writing Comp 2
Period 5: Earth Science

B Days:
Period 1: Semester 1- Spanish I / Semester 2- Psychology
Period 2: Painting
Period 3: Chorus-Lunch Hour
Period 4: World History
Period 5: Physical Education

I just noticed that I'm taking quite a few history classes...two of which will basically be the same..oh well.

Last year...the first graduating class of West Central High School. Scary stuff
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