Nov 14, 2010 03:13
- 09:27:35: @ katie_bug9 Well I ignore you when you talk about anything else SO *KENYE SHRUG*
- 09:35:48: @ katie_bug9 lol yeah well
- 09:36:22: @ zed_pm Why do you think I'm having you come this way instead of me going there? :*
- 09:39:46: @ zed_pm What is that, like CCTV?
- 11:42:08: @ zed_pm oh lol
- 13:04:47: @ sayherelieslove Like, INSIDE it?
- 13:05:19: @ dauntdraws I thought he was just INSIDE the cello, not rolling around.
- 13:06:17: Ok, so Crowley was all over last night's episode, eh? Maybe I'll have to catch up. I'm still very meh about the whole season though. :/
- 13:08:14: LOL WOW.
- 13:10:14: @ zed_pm I saw the one where they went to Scotland for no goddamn reason. And that's it.
- 13:13:00: @ zed_pm LOL For 2 secs and it was completely pointless. Crowley is apparently Scottish. Which is also pointless since Mark isn't...
- 13:13:23: @ darkmerrick Sam annoys the hell out of me though so I'd need a better excuse.
- 13:16:13: @ zed_pm The demon is but why would he possess an English dude for so long? They should have just made him English.
- 13:16:23: @ darkmerrick Nope.
- 13:18:39: @ katie_bug9 LOL You've seen those movies a bajillion times tho
- 13:20:00: @ zed_pm Yeah, idek. I enjoyed Crowley of course but that whole ep was just like ....wat. Just like this whole season, really.
- 13:20:34: I can't even watch SPN for the lol's because everything ~it's become~ just pisses me off. :/
- 13:21:05: It's 1:30 and I haven't eaten. I've been up since 7am. I should probably do something about that?
- 13:21:53: @ katie_bug9 Oh, really? Damn. Carry on, then.
- 13:22:32: @ katie_bug9 I've probably seen H1 - H3 at least 10 times each. The latter movies less because I was less impressed. Hp6 only once.
- 13:22:55: @ zed_pm AZKB7!
- 13:24:29: @ zed_pm Oooh I would be so mad. Apparently he's still fucking awesome though.
- 13:25:30: @ zed_pm Also, you need to watch Misfits series 1. The series 2 premier was this week and it was AMAZING.
- 13:26:09: @ zed_pm He is immune to all attempts to make him not so
- 13:26:50: @ Linnelle I've seen 2 episodes only. Everything I see about it on Tumblr and LJ just puts me off so much.
- 13:27:38: Fuuuuuuuuuuu my uncle is here. :||||||||||||
- 13:28:19: @ zed_pm Me too. I haven't watched really anything American in so long lol. But I had to stare at Robert Sheehan some. Hnnng
- 13:45:06: @ sayherelieslove THAT IS NOT INSIDE
- 13:45:19: @ zed_pm Lets elope to England
- 13:48:10: @ zed_pm Just let me check my tyre pressure and I shall be off!
- 13:48:43: @ zed_pm Do they breathe aer?
- 13:51:02: @ zed_pm lol ok
- 13:57:41: RT @Markgatiss: Cher fits in well with the Death-Eaters.
- 13:58:36: @ zed_pm Did you see Benny @ the HP premiere? He was wearing one of his hats again :)
- 13:59:06: @ sayherelieslove you like it
- 13:59:33: I need to get out of the house and have money to do so for once and I can't think of anything to do except shopping. :|
- 14:01:07: @ zed_pm As do I >:D I would make him wear it in bed ohoho
- 14:01:59: What the hell is @ markgatiss going on about?
- 14:02:45: @ zed_pm Ham and hats! Dirty, dirty girls ~love~ Benedict Cumberbatch.
- 14:03:53: According to Google, it should only take me 40 hours to walk 120 miles. Google doesn't know me very well.
- 14:06:40: @ xgalaga Or the scarf.
- 14:07:04: @ dauntdraws OH OK. MY MISTAKE.
- 14:07:23: RT @God_Damn_Batman: I like to play Good Batman/Bad Batman. Here's how it works: Good Batman holds him down while Bad Batman hits him.
- 14:09:20: ONE RING TO RULE THEM ALL...
- 14:09:42: @ sayherelieslove OH BABY OH BABY
- 14:11:50: @ zed_pm ONE RING TO BRING THEM ALLL...
- 14:12:07: @ sayherelieslove WHAT R U REPLYIN TO
- 14:14:20: @ sayherelieslove oh haha how many times have you seen them now/
- 14:14:52: I think @ markgatiss is tweeting about the new Harry Potter movie!
- 14:15:23: @ zed_pm Sounds like a cock ring, tbh.
- 14:16:33: @ zed_pm idk it's just a guess. He's been tweeting about Harry Potter but like, ~cryptically~ for the past hour so I can't tell which movie
- 14:16:55: @ sayherelieslove I think my number is less than 30.
- 14:17:05: @ sayherelieslove But you've watched it that many times just since I've known you.
- 14:19:26: @ zed_pm Well, it IS Mark. He's probably all trolololololo
- 14:19:46: BORED. I'm going to start shooting the wall!
- 14:28:44: @ zed_pm BORED, JOHN. BORED.
- 14:31:20: @ zed_pm THE WALL HAD IT COMING.
- 14:33:24: @ zed_pm LOL blood head
- 14:35:29: @ zed_pm JUST TEA FOR ME THANKS
- 14:41:46: @ zed_pm ANAHABANAYAAAAAH
- 16:23:05: LAWD HAMMERCY
- 18:12:02: Just got back from WalMart. Time for some hard cider. Because I goddamn need it.
- 18:12:31: @ darkmerrick EVERY GODDAMN DAY
- 18:12:56: @ fahrbot @lovestryker I've never had it. If it wasn't $5, I would have bought some. They need a sample size.
- 18:13:27: @ dauntdraws Well he's with whatshereyebrows. Also, I hate them.
- 18:13:58: @ fahrbot I will also adopt this policy. We'll make it a ntl. thing.
- 18:14:30: RT @FrankIero: Looks just // I have one of those! The bat, not the dog.
- 18:15:19: Grandma is watching Iron Man 1 in the other room. I can tell this just from the soundtrack. DUN DUNDUN DUN DUNDUNDUN DUNDUNDUNDUN.
- 18:26:43: @ dauntdraws It's true.
- 18:26:56: @ lovestryker This was at Cost Plus World Market.
- 18:37:24: I spent all summer turning the thermostat down and now I'm going to spend all winter turning it down. Goddamn old people.
- 18:55:38: Oh hay, it's only Saturday and I'm broke again. Awesome.
- 18:58:44: Going here to see Jason Devore acoustic live (from Authority Zero) because I'm a tool.
- 19:17:23: Finally uploaded some new CDs. The new Black Lab (excellent) and Bon Jovi's newest GH collection:
- 19:17:49: RT @OMGFactsSex: A college-educated man is more likely to enjoy sex completely naked than a high school graduate. / As opposed to not naked?
- 19:19:35: @ meganwaslike @SaucyAussie I guess you don't have to have your pants off to get a blowey.
- 19:21:54: @ CatVonAwesome So "wham bam thank you ma'am" sex vs. "goddamn I need a cigarette" sex.
- 19:25:34: @ CatVonAwesome You're looking way more into this than I ever intended haha
- 19:50:08: Who do I owe / who wants a letter from me?
- 19:50:35: @ SaucyAussie LOL I HATE THAT
- 19:50:57: @ onemoremistake The Golden Compass is on. I love it when the polar bear RIIIIPS the other polar bear's jaw off. :D
- 19:51:07: @ breakinporcelan LOL BB
- 19:53:54: @ zed_pm Oh do I? I thought it was your turn?
- 20:07:15: @ zed_pm Pfft fine.
- 20:13:59: @ onemoremistake It's the only good part. The rest is boring Narnia rip-off.
- 20:14:07: @ zed_pm TOO LATE.
- 20:15:31: @ zed_pm I'm really bored ok
- 20:17:16: @ zed_pm OH YOU'RE GOING TO BED??? ok then. Niiiight~
- 22:43:08: @ squee_machine lol ok. :D
- 22:44:01: Went out to the Irish pub and got free Jameson and had some Strongbow. Then my first cigarette in 6 months. Goddamn, I'm a party animal.
- 22:45:03: @ SaucyAussie LOL That's what I'm doing.
- 22:45:35: Smoking while typing makes me feel like a beat writer. Everything should be in black and white right now.
- 23:22:59: @ squee_machine The Jameson girls were there giving free jameson mixed with gingerale and I got a free hat too.
- 23:23:17: @ squee_machine More like a pipe and a deerstalker.
- 23:25:01: @ squee_machine No movie this weekend. I'm tapped out. Had to do some serious grocery shopping.
- 23:27:11: @ sayherelieslove MY BABBY
- 23:27:32: @ squee_machine I only stayed for 2 hours or I would have invited you.
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