with special thanks to kay for walking me through this (because im dumb)

Dec 14, 2004 20:55

thesweetdeal81: Tristan is not home now.
toastmaster687: ohh .. who is this that is pretending to be tristan?
thesweetdeal81: No, no, rather, whose computer was Tristan using for instant messanging recently. And that would be...his mom...
toastmaster687: oh well hi tristans mom
thesweetdeal81: Hello, who ever you are...
toastmaster687: erica
toastmaster687: you would probubly recognize me from some of the dances around here...
toastmaster687: tell him that i said hi
thesweetdeal81: Yes...I know who you are. I recall we drove you home to...was it Sudbury? Boston Post Road...or Marborough?
toastmaster687: yeah i live in sudbury
toastmaster687: only i drive now and i actually work in concord now
thesweetdeal81: Where are you working? Do you enjoy the job?
toastmaster687: i work at american video
toastmaster687: they dont pay me enough but its really easy
toastmaster687: i just watch movies
toastmaster687: i have another job where they pay me better but they make me work and i dont like that as much
thesweetdeal81: You are kidding! I had no idea! It seems usually it's local kids that work at the video stores here. Tristan is actually job hunting now and is making the rounds to pick up applications now. He talked about trying the video stores. How did you come up with this job?
toastmaster687: my friend viv worked there
toastmaster687: and i came in and the boss liked me
toastmaster687: actually the girl who worked most of the hours just quit so i think we are hireing
thesweetdeal81: Ooooo! Shall I call Tristan now and have him stop by for an application? When is the boss there? And do you know where we live? We are in the neighborhood across the street from Crosby's supermarket!
toastmaster687: unless you've moved i know where you live
thesweetdeal81: We have not moved.
toastmaster687: my boss works untill for most week days
toastmaster687: and maybe until 6 on thursday but im not sure
thesweetdeal81: It should be easy for Tristan to stop by. Do you recommend it as a job? What is the boss's name?
toastmaster687: the boss's name is robynne
toastmaster687: and yeah mostly
toastmaster687: i mean they dont pay well and its far from here
toastmaster687: but i really like robynne
toastmaster687: and i used to like more of my coworks
toastmaster687: i acutally dont like one of the two new kids
toastmaster687: but i never work with them anyways so its ok
thesweetdeal81: Do you mind my asking what they pay?
toastmaster687: like 6.75
toastmaster687: its low
toastmaster687: but its really easy too
toastmaster687: and you get free renats
toastmaster687: rentals
thesweetdeal81: Interesting. Free rentals is a definate plus. I have no idea what other jobs pay that high schoolers can be hired to do. Thanks for telling me all this. The location could not be better for Tristan. Anyway, thanks so much!!! I'll see you at some point, I'm sure. .....Deborah
toastmaster687: ok
toastmaster687: and tell tristan that i said hi ok
thesweetdeal81: Certainly! Bye Erica
toastmaster687: byebye
(ps the i hope tristan doesnt really type in the swirly font his mom was useing)

frisbeeatarianism - the beleif that when you die, your soul flies up onto the roof and gets stuck
special thanks and only a
little bit of hate for having
gotten into college already
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