Six. Dragon Truths.

Sep 26, 2011 22:13

{Voice transmission. Viserys sounds completely calm, with a sort of cooing sound to his voice, like he's telling a bedtime story to a kitten.}

I never wanted to be king. I was never meant to be king. I was the second son, I was meant for other things. Prince of Dragonstone until Rhaegar's son came of age. A position on Rhaegar's small council. I imagine they would have married me to Dany, there were only eight years between us. It's a pity she wasn't older, she could have married Rhaegar and spared him marrying the Dornish girl. She was quite frail. I wonder if her children would have grown up to be dragons. I used to dream about brains splattered against stone, thanks to that fucking Mountain. He could have at least smothered the boy if he had to kill him. I hate the Lannisters. I wish I knew how to use a sword, because I would gut Jaime Lannister like a fish.

I've never felt as alone as I feel now, on this ship, because that eight year old boy in exile had his sister. I hate that I miss her nearly as much as I hate her. I hate that I'm useless and alone and afraid. I never asked to be the last dragon, I never asked to be the one to take back the Iron Throne. I don't have the heat tolerance a dragon should have. I burn too quickly.

this will make me seethe later, flood, truth

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