Mun Info
Name/online handle: keenquing
Personal LJ:
keenquingEmail: keenquing [at] gmail [dot] com
AIM/Yahoo/MSN/etc: AIM: keenquing
Character Info
Character: Ned [The Pie Maker]
Fandom: Pushing Daisies
Point of Entry: Shortly after 1x03 'The Fun In Funeral'
Media: (book, movie, TV, etc) TV
Character Journal:
wakes_pieVoicemail Link: Number: 555-PIES
Background: (at least 150 words, please)
When he was nine years old, Ned's three year old golden retriever, Digby, was struck by a semi and killed in front of him. As most children would, Ned walked over to the body and touched him--instantly bringing Digby back to life and introducing Ned to his power.
Having discovered this power without any formal instruction, Ned did not realise the 'rules' surrounding it. Thus, when his mother collapsed in the kitchen while baking a pie a short time after he discovered his power, dead of an aneurysm, Ned unthinkingly brought her back to life for (he thought) good. This caused the father of his boyhood crush, Charlotte 'Chuck' Charles, to die.
This was not the last tragedy Ned would experience. That very evening, his mother kissed him good-night--causing her to die again, and for Ned to learn that the second time he touched a dead thing, it would die for good.At their respective parents' funerals, Chuck and Ned shared their first kiss. Shortly after this, Ned's father sent him to boarding school, promising to return for him, which he did not.
As an adult, Ned opened 'The Pie Hole', in some way using it to keep his mother's memory alive (at boarding school, he would occasionally sneak to the kitchens and bake pies and sleep curled to their warmth as a proxy for her). Running of the business was one of the few instances in which Ned made regular use of his power--he got free/cheap rotted fruit and, using one bare hand and one gloved one, revived the fruit so it could be used in baking. This meant, however, that he could not eat his own pies.
However, the business was not an immediate success. When he was near financial ruin, Ned wound up getting into the middle of a chase taking place between private investigator Emerson Cod and a man he was tailing. The man jumped off the roof of a building, falling to his death--however, his falling body touched Ned, causing him to temporarily revive. Ned, fearing who might die, immediately touched the man back into death--but not before Emerson saw his power. Thus, the two joined forces--Emerson began taking Ned with him to the morgue for murder investigations, where Ned would revive dead subjects for one minute to ask them who had killed them, and he and Emerson would split the reward money. Other than his relationships with Emerson, his employee Olive (who he is aware, to some degree but not entirely, is attracted to him), and Digby, however, Ned keeps to himself (although he does refer to previous romantic relationships he had, implying that they did not last long or end well).
That was until he brought back his boyhood crush, Charlotte 'Chuck' Charles, to find out who had killed her--and could not bring himself to touch her back to death.
Personality: (at least 100 words, please)
Ned is extremely introverted as a result of his ability and the losses that resulted from it (the death of his mother and abandonment by his father, as well as the death of Chuck's father, the guilt of which he continues to carry with him, and the loss of Chuck herself when he went to boarding school and she went to live with her aunts). While he tends to speak very quickly (possibly to get conversations over with as soon as possible--he also babbles incessently when he's nervous), he is also very well-spoken, frequently correcting Emerson (and his employee, Olive Snook) on incorrect word usage and reciting random factoids. Despite his introversion, Ned does care deeply for his friends--he just does it from a distance, feeling it is safer for them (as well as himself) if they know little about him. Besides Chuck, he is probably closest to Digby--which is somewhat ironic, given that he can no longer pet his dog. He actively encourages other people to interact with Digby, thus putting Digby into the position as a somewhat-proxy for himself.
Along with his introversion, Ned's body language is very restrained. He tends to keep his arms and hands close to his body, held at his sides or behind his back at nearly all times.
Due to his rough adolescence, and the danger his power has sometimes put him into (such as reviving a bear skin rug he was laying on with a girlfriend), Ned is very athletic and is competent in hand-to-hand fighting (and is also a fast runner due to the occasional need to escape situations quickly).
Physical Description: Ned comes in at 6'3". He is skinny but muscular with short brown hair and gray-green eyes.
Does your pup have any special powers/abilities/gifts that we should be aware of? (i.e. super healing, telepathic etc)
Yes. Ned has the ability to touch any dead thing back to life. This power comes with some stipulations, however.
1. If the dead thing remains alive for more than one minute, a nearby being of similar mass must die in exchange ("it's a proximity thing").
2. If the dead thing is touched again, it cannot be reanimated again. First touch, life. Second touch, dead again--forever.
He will go to great lengths to avoid using (or even revealing) this power, however, and thus will not be an intentional danger to any of the undead/supernatural residents of the village. They may, however, sense something 'off' about him and may avoid him for this reason.