Jun 06, 2005 15:29
-your name: James
-your gender: Male
-age: 16
-height: 6'03"
-hair color: Brown/Black
-eye color: Blue
-your location: Florida
-Fears: Won't succeed in life
-peed your pants? Probably
-fallen off the bed? Oh Ya
-had plastic surgery? Nope
-broke someone`s heart? Hope Not
-had your heart broken? No
-had a dream come true? I don't know
-done something you regret? yes
-cheated on a test? Hell Ya - History Final (79%!!!)
-broken a body part? No (well maybe my toe)
+ wearing - fuzzy Aero Pants
+ listening to - Anakins Betrayal
+ chewing - nothing
+ feeling - awesome
+ reading - These questions
+ located - my room
+ watching - Nothing
+ should REALLY be - doing LMS homework
+ brush your teeth? Yep
+ like anybody? Very much so
+ have any piercings? No
+ drive? Yes
+ believe in Santa Claus? NO
+ ever get off the computer? Yes
+ who is your best? ... the list goes on
+ who is the loudest? Ashley
+ who is the shyest? Liz
+ who laughs the most? Sheila
+ who have you known the longest? Liz
+ who have you known the shortest? Sheila, Ashley, Ryan
+ do you belong to a crew? Yes I do - ROWSTRONG
+ do you hang out with the opposite sex? of course
+ do you consider yourself POPULULAR? ya kinda
+ do you trust your friends? A few of them.
+ are you a good friend? I can be
+ can you keep a secret? yes
+ hugged - Sheila
+ gave EPROPS - what is that?
+ IMed - whats that?
+ talked to on the phone - Strato
+ tripped - Scott
+ What do you want to be when you grow up? Cruise Line Owner
+ What was the worst day of your life? ummm too many to judge
+ What is your most embarrassing story? Hah...i don't think so
+ What has been the best day of your life? the day i first kissed sheila (don't tell anyone)
+ What comes first in your life? Education
+ If you had an extra set of eyes were would you put them? palms of hands
+ What do you think about before you go to sleep? who i want to be with me
+ Relative: My mom
+ Sport: Rowing
+ Vacation Spot: Hawaii
+ Ice Cream Flavor: Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough
+ Fruit: Guava
+ Candy: gummy bears
+ Holiday: Christmas
+ Day of the Week: Friday
+ Color: blue (beach water during summer)
+ Name for a Girl: Rachael
+ Name for a Boy: Jackson
SECTION 9 [ DO YOU . . . ]
+ Like to give hugs? depends on my mood
+ Like to walk in the rain? Yah
+ Sleep with or without clothes on? Depends how I feel.
+ Prefer black or blue pens? Blue
+ Dress up on Halloween? Yah
+ Have a job? Yep Publix Pride!
+ Like to travel? Yah - can't stop me - Australia, Africa, Europe, Hawaii - shall I go on?
+ Like someone? Yes i do.....
+ Sleep on your side, tummy,and side
+ Think you're attractive? no...not really.
+ Want to marry? Yes.
+ Have a goldfish? Yes.
+ Ever have the falling dream? Yes
+ Have stuffed animals? Yah
+ Go on vacation? Sure do. *cough cough*
+ Pierced nose or tongue? nose
+ Be serious or funny? Funny.
+ Single or taken? Single
+ Simple or Complicated? complicated
+ Law or anarchy? Law. ehh
+ MTV or BET? Neither...
+ 7th Heaven or Dawson's Creek? ewwwww
+ Sugar or salt? Sugar
+ Silver or gold? Gold
+ Tongue or belly button ring? Belly button ring
+ Chocolate or flowers? Chocolates
+ Angels or miracles? Miracles
+ Color or Black-and-white photos? Depends on Occasion
+ Sunrise or sunset? Sunrise - begining of a new day, sunset if i'm with someone
+ M&M's or Skittles? M&M's
+ Rap or Rock? Fuck em both! Techno!
+ Stay up late or sleep in? both duh!
+ TV or radio? TV.
+ Hot or cold? Cold.
+ Taller members of the opposite sex or shorter? shorter, a girl taller than me is scary!
+ Sun or moon? Moon
+ Diamond or Ruby? Diamond
+ Left or Right? Right
+ 10 acquaintances or one best friend? One best friend!
+ Vanilla or chocolate? Chocolate
+ Kids or no kids? Kids
+ Cat or dog? Cat...most definatly
+ Half-empty or Half-full? Depends on my mood...
+ Mustard or ketchup? Ketchup - only good when drowning something lol
+ Newspaper or Magazine? Magazines
+ Spring or Fall? Fall
+ Give or receive? uhh depends on occasion
+ Rain or snow? Rain. Hevey rain - lots of thunder and lightning!! Ha Ha Ha
+ Lace or satin? Satin.
+ A year of hot sex or a lifetime of friendship? depends who the friends are
+ Happy or sad? Both...
+ Corduroy or plaid? Plaid.
+ Wonder or amazement? Amazement
+ sneakers or sandals? sandels
+ McDonald's or Burger King? McDonalds
+ Mexican or Italian food? Italian
+ Lights on or off? Off
+ Duct tape or scotch tape? Duct Tape
+ Candy or soda? ...chocolate...
+ A house in the counrty or the city? City!
+ Pepsi or Coke? Pepsi.
+ Do you go to church? sometimes
+ Do you like church? no
+ Why or why not? i believe, but
+ What's your favorite kind of tree? Coconut Palm
+ Out of all of your friends, who has the coolest house? I will when I get my new house
+ double jointed? no
+ Can you roll your tongue? Yep
+ Can you raise one eyebrow at a time? Yep yep yeparoo
+ Can you cross your eyes? yep
+ Tattoos? depends on my mood
+ Piercings? same as above
+ Do you make your bed daily?Ha!
+ Which shoe goes on first? Right
+ Speaking of shoes, have you ever thrown one at anyone? Yes - don't piss me off
+ On the average, how much money do you carry in your purse/wallet? ummm depends on what day
+ What jewelry do you wear 24/7? none it annoys me
+ Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it? Cut it
+ Have you ever eaten Spam? Ya
+ How many cereals in your cabinet? Like 3 or 4
+ What's your favorite beverage? Strawberry Daquary/ Pina Colada
+ What's your favorite restaurant? Outback
+ Hair drying method? Towel then leave
+ Have you ever colored/highlighted your hair? no
+ Do you swear? Yah
+ Do you ever spit? NO
+ Animal? Hedgehog
+ Food? Chicken Alfredo
+ Month? April
+ Cartoon? Garfield
+ Subject in school? Spanish