Jun 15, 2005 00:18
well its arter midnight, im high, im drunk, and im listening to no dought. wierd. i dunno, i guess todays a happy day. i had the day off came to this shin-dig and its cool. mels treatin me like an ass-hole but whatever i guess. im still pretty happy i got a new job where im at least respected a little bit. i dont really care losing a managenagement position. "better to serve in heaven than rule in hell." im alive. thats what counts. i have no fear of death, but will fight it at all costs. i will find my purpose some day, and when i do, watch you're ass if you've crossed me. because i will be a force to be rekoned with. my friends will be rewarded and my enemies will be destroyed. its what im destined to do so oh well.
-Be Excelent-