This is something I just can't seem to stop watching. The first time I saw it I just sat there stunned, wondering why I felt so... relieved. It made me cry. It is so refreshing to see real heart coming into politics. I need so badly to be inspired by something in our political system right now, and for me, Obama is that inspirational figure.
Yes We Can Music Video on Yes, it's corny, yes, it's "silly idealistic talk," but it is real too. All it asks is that we acknowledge our unity, as human beings who all want the same basic things.
The Dalai Lama has said that the way he remembers to relate to every single person he meets is to remember "we all seek happiness and try to avoid suffering regardless of our race, religion, sex or political status." Just those two things make us all the same. We all don't want to suffer. We all want to be happy.
That alone encourages me toward believing that a more unified world is possible. And this is not belief from a blind, "it will happen one day" passive state. I believe in my own part, my own power in creating that unity.
Incidentally, the youtube version alone of this video has had over 2 million views in the course of the 5 days it has been posted. Isn't that amazing?