as staind's been awhile

Apr 04, 2004 03:57

So I finally have my laptop and I'm working on getting all my stuff together on it. AOL Ive learned just sucks in general and fucks up everything on computers. It makes everything really slow etc. And does anyone know how to get rid of those "Messenger Service" pop ups? I swear they're going to be the death of me. I thought it was cuz my home computer sucked but this one has them too, so they gotta be related with AOL, Kazaa, or AIM.

Skate & Surf is coming up!! I think I'm bringing Kyle because no one else wants to go..mostly because of money. Speaking of money, I work 6 days a week- I want my damn car. The dealership is looking for it..but it's hard because I want a certain color. Navy blue can't be that hard, damn.

The boyfriend update: It's going good..still getting used to it, but it's nice having someone there. He brings me flowers and does the most random cute stuff. Today he gave me a yellow tulip. It does get kinda of annoying having to work with him, but oh well. Like he is new, so everything that annoys someone, they come to me "Annie your boyfriend..blah blah" I don't care!- I'm not his watch dog.

My birthday was awesome ..I never thought i'd have a hotel party turn out so awesome. Sucks Kyle couldnt come, but getting a record deal is more important, haha. I had like 40 Yuenglings left over that night-more for me later! well i'm tired now cyaaaa

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