fridays at fridays=hell

Mar 05, 2004 14:21

So the weirdest thing happened the other night. Kristina & Caitlin (the girls that hated me and fucked me over because of that girl Lauren) invited me to drink with them over their guy friend's house. I went because it was something to do & I figured it would help me to not hate them as much at work. I really don't like having animosity in my work enviroment, ya know? I brought Meg with me, it was cool we just played beer pong (won both times) and played Asshole (I was prez. the first round..I'm so glad I finally can play that game!). We left around 2 because me and her both had to get up in the morning.

Last night I went over to Molly's to hang out. Once again I won a beautiful game up beer pong with her friend Coonie (last name). I'm really dreading from now till Monday. I have to work tonight & tomorrow, and tomorrow morning I'm going to the gym with Anne, and then Sunday night in the Mest/Matchbook Romance/Fall Out Boy show, and inbetween all that I have to study for a test, write like 2 papers, and 1 take home test. I'm so FUCKED. I hate school man, it's really not for me. I (along with my whole class) got an F on my first English 101 paper, and we all are along to revise it for a whole new grade, since it's the first paper. I was like "Um..I dont get F's in English, I got A's in high school and my last English class here" and he explained how EN101 sucks and it's hard. I mean my teacher is nice, it's just difficult for like everyone. I wrote my paper on how we exagerrate the media's affect on people. Any input woul be appreciated. I really am ready for FL & Skate & Surf.

My next paper has to compare 2 things. And they can be off the wall-my teacher said someone compared a salad and drums... or it can be simple like cat & dogs. Anyone have any suggestions for me?? i'm sure something with music would be fun..but what? haha how about beer & liquor..or beer and pot. i wish.

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