my heart will choose to say

Oct 18, 2007 10:37

Originally published at Perches in the Soul. You can comment here or there.

This e-mail arrived in my box this morning from the British lady who I met on the airplane who just started working with one of my kids in Romania, Aurel( beautiful 9 yr old who is blind and deaf, has Sticklers’ Syndrome and gets minimum human contact):

Hi Amy,

Thank you so much for your encouraging e-mail. I was planning on e-mailing you again tonight as I have had a great time with Aurel today. I found the tennis shoes with his name written all over them and put them on his feet. They were very familiar to him, you could just tell. I took him into the playroom and I tried different things with little success. In the end, the simplest thing worked the most effectively. He is craving human contact I think so I managed to get him to walk along a wall, touching it with his hands and when he got to the end, I swung him around, tickled him and gave him a big cuddle. We kept repeating it and I could tell he was motivated by the contact at the end. Whenever he looked like he was about to give up, I’d blow gently onto his face so he would know I was close and he would keep going. So a small breakthrough, but it was nice to see him smiling and laughing. Today was the first time I saw him do that.

I will ask Jen about the board idea for him. I need to e-mail her, but wanted to contact you first.

I’ll be keeping in touch. Thanks again for your support.

Small breakthroughs, small breakthroughs. Such blessings.

romania, friends

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