
Oct 23, 2004 15:12

so this week has been absolutely amazingg. ((minus school obviously)). like gabe has picked me up after school every day and we've gotten to hang out and it makes me soooo happyy.. like we watched the breakfast club one day then beauty and the beast the next. i love having him in town and getting to see him every day.

fridayy was a good day actually. there was a swim meet so last block friday we went and watched and mikey&justin camee!!! i was tid bit of a bitch to them i fink but i didnt mean to be. my mind is just other places lately, idk. but i enjoyed seeing them SOOO freaking much. i'd missed them yah know? then jamie, alexa&i all went to this place at the bowlders and got our nails&make-up done -- i thought it was adorable --. then we went to the cheesecake factory for jamies sweet 16 :o). after our majorly serious talk over dinner we walked over to north so i could see josh! i havent seen him in FOREVVVER. i love that boy hes the sweetest waiter i think ever alive. haha. then jamie drove us back to lexies but we were lost in her neighborhood for like 20 minutess but we finally found it after much yelling and arguing. then we all chilllllled. it was fun. i fell alseep at 10 tho. haha i was SOOOO fucking tired. butt then around 1 gabe called me ((i told him too when he got home)) and that woke me up, but it was a nice wake up. we talked for like 5 minutes but then i couldnt go back to sleeep. so i hung out with jamie&alexa who hadnt gone to sleeep either! the some how we ended up hanging out with sunny&josh. we played 10 fingers and it was sooo hilariously dumb. then we all made food and just talked. then gabe callled me tho so he&i talked on the phone till like 3ish. he wouldnt go to sleep until i was tired again and fell asleep. hes such a sweetie. but then alexa came and hung out wif me so i told gabe to go to sleep :o). alexa&i talked and were like dying of lafter at nothing. till jennifer got mad at us. then in the morning we all woke up and showered then they all left -- even lexie!! leaving me alone at lexies house. hahaha. around 12 chris came and picked me up cuz we were gunna go out for lunch with tomas and these two girls. it was really fun. we got there and after chris finally getting his park job just right we got out to go into oreganos when we realized we'd locked his keys in the car. so we sat outside his car just talking and telling stories&stuff. then he & tomas went to get another key and i hung out with christina and leslie. it was a really fun lunch. chris is hilarious, but untintionally. 'whats that...' '..ketchup?' hahah it was a very nice lunchh. then chris took me home and gabe came and picked me uppp.

we drove to the mall and got gabe a cd and went to build-a-bear. we were gunna build a bear but we didnt.. im a deprived child and ive never gotten to build one!! haha. then we decided to leave and we went to his house and i met his parentals. they are the cutest things i think i've ever met. i love them!! we then all went to oreganos ((twice in one day!)) and we ate dinner. it was really funn :o). then gabe&i went back to his house and watched a goooofy movie!! i know we're coool. i felt really bad tho cuz i was soo tired that i like fell asleep while we were watching. haha. then we went into his room and just hung out and talked. idk.. im really gunna miss him when he leaves. like we have become so much closer this past week than we ever were this summer. its so hard to explain but theres something different now. idk what it is but its a good different yah know? im really sad tho cuz he leaves tomoro to go back to ca. i dont know how i'll go from him picking me up and us hanging out like every day to not seeing him for a month or two.. oh wellls..

so my week has been incrediblee. but tomoro i lose the two of the things that make me happy.. gabe&cooper. we have to give cooper away beacuse we cant handle another animal. like the dogs dont get along with him and mr. kitty ran away.. idk. its sadd :o/. but i dont wanna think about that..

im gunna go to sleep. i cant even think any more.. theres too much going on in my head. <3<3.

.x. [my name is]: Annnnie (..sometimes samantha.. hahAHha)
.x. [in the morning i am]: upp for schoool!! i live an hour away
.x. [all i need is]: friendss&someone to cuddle wiff
.x. [love]: the amazing people i've become closer to this year][canoodlingg][foood][my lifee :o)
.x. [im afraid of]: losing what i've worked so hard to gain..
.x. [i dream about]: incredible things..
- Y E S . O R . N O -
.x. [you keep a diary]: i used to but now theres too much to write about and too little time.
.x. [you like to cook]: haha i tryy!! :o).
.x. [you have a secret you have not shared with anyone]: i suppose u could say that
.x. [you fold your underwear]: ...?huh
.x. [you talk in your sleep]: from what i've been told i sing also
.x. [you set your watch a few minutes ahead]: nahh i dont have a watch!
.x. [you believe in love]: yuppp :o)
- D O -
.x. [you wish you could live somewhere else]: yah.. but only if i could take the amazing people in my life with me
.x. [you think about suicide]: nooooope.
.x. [others find you attractive]: maybe wif beer goggles. hahah
.x. [you want more piercings]: sometimes belly button. but thats on&off so prob not
.x. [you want more tattoos]: dont have any. my mom takes care of that department
.x. [you drink]: i dont drink soda anymore!! ..or i try not to
.x. [you do drugs]: nope & prob never will-- i like my innocence :o)
.x. [you smoke]: that is SOOO unnatractive
.x. [you like cleaning]: sometimes haha. aka once in a blue moon
.x. [you like roller coasters]: hell yahhhh
.x. [you write in cursive or print]: prinnnt. my cursive is like ahh
.x. [you carry a donor card]: ...are you ok?
- H A V E . Y O U . E V E R -
.x. [been in love]: not yett
.x. [cried when someone died]: yahh
.x. [lied]: yupppp
.x. [fallen for your best friend]: yahh.. more than once
.x. [been rejected]: many a time
.x. [rejected someone]: probly
.x. [used someone]: never intentionally, no
.x. [been cheated on]: i fink so
.x. [done something you regret]: yah.. but regret is a really negative wordd..
-N U M B E R-
.x. [of times i have had my heart broken]: 3 but they werent all that serious..
.x. [of hearts i have broken]: none i hope
.x. [of guys i have kissed]: one--that acutally ment ne thing
.x. [of girls i have kissed]: like pecks??
.x. [of continents i have lived in]: uno
.x. [of close friends]: i derno. i dont count my friends but probly a handful or 2
.x. [of cd's that i own]: idkk prob not that many
.x. [of scars on my body]: a lot, chris&i were comparing today!
.x. [of things in my past that i regret]: what i may have regretted at the time has become another memory and lesson learned from
put an X next to the things you've done:
(X) been drunk.
(X) kissed a member of the opposite sex.
( ) kissed a member of the same sex.
( ) kissed your best friend
(X) crashed a friend's car . [[i gave gabe 2 flat tires]]
( ) been to japan.
(X) rode in a taxi.
( ) been in love.
(X) been dumped.
(X) shoplifted. [[i was 5]]
( ) snuck out of my parent's house.
( ) been caught masturbating.
( ) pissed on myself.
( ) been arrested.
( ) had a crush on a teacher.
( ) celebrated mardi-gras in new york.
( ) been to europe.
(X)skipped school.
- F I R S T S -
First job : pcds councelor
First pet: duffffy -- my old cat
First piercing/tattoo: ears
First credit card : still waiting for that one
First enemy: whoo knowwss
First big trip: probably caymen islands
- L A S T S -
Last car  ride: last ride home wif gabe for a while..
Last kiss: gabe..
Last movie watched: goooofie moovie..
Last beverage drank: waterr
Last food consumed: deep dish pizza wif gabe
Last phone call: haha lexiee. funny phone call
Last time showered: this afternooon
Last CD played: greeenday mix
Last annoyance: finding out stuff - about someone you care about - that you never wanted to hear..
Last soda drank: idk
Last ice cream eaten: SUPPPOSED to be those ice cream cookies today but nooo
Last time scolded: oy vay who knows
Last shirt worn: lexies flowerrry shirt
Last website visited: haha i cant remember actually
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