fic: and the stars are black and cold

Apr 15, 2013 20:30

Title: and the stars are black and cold
Fandom: Doctor Who
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Romana, Doctor (mentioned), Leela (mentioned)
Notes: Written for the who_contest prompt, "Black".
Warnings: Character death.
Summary: Romana's final thoughts before the Doctor uses the Moment.

She wasn’t going to regenerate, not this time.

She is surprisingly fine with that, as she lies among the dead and dying. The Doctor is on his way to stopping this insanity, planning to use the Moment to create a Time Lock. Gallifrey will be gone soon, as will the Time Lords and hopefully the Daleks.

The loss of Gallifrey and her people is difficult to process, even for a mind such as hers.

But it is the only way and at least the Doctor will still be around.

Her thoughts are becoming more difficult, and she has to fight in order to remain conscious. She wanted…no she need to be awake to see the passing of her people. After her ultimate failure as President, after all the losses (like Leela, her friend who survived for so long, only to-she did not want to think about Leela any longer) she needed to do this one last thing.

She didn’t have much longer to wait. The Doctor should nearly be ready now.

She looked upwards, needing to find something to concentrate on, needed to keep fighting loss of consciousness…

…she could see the stars. She had loved to look up at the stars when she was a young girl on her family’s estate. It had been drilled out of her during her years at school, but traveling with the Doctor had reminded her of how much she loved them and how she longed to explore once.

The stars were cold and beautiful as they hung suspended over the battle field, but as she stared a blackness at the edge of her vision began to obscure them, blotting out more and more as she watched.

Soon nearly all had been swallowed by the blackness save for a few still shining so coldly…

…cold she was so cold…

…and the final stars were going out…

…and then nothing.

doctor who, fanfic

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