Fic: Five Weddings

Mar 08, 2012 11:31

Title: Five Weddings
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: One, Four, Ten, Eleven, Susan's Grandmother, Romana II, Elizabeth I, Marylin Monroe, River Song
Pairings: One/Susan's Grandmother, Four/Romana II, Ten/Elizabeth I, Eleven/Marylin Monroe, Eleven/River
Warnings: None.
Spoilers: For "The Wedding of River Song".
Rating: PG
Summary: He's absolutely rubbish at weddings, especially his own.


He hadn't been in love with Susan's Grandmother; he would have felt more guilty about it, if he hadn't known for a fact that she had no real feelings for him either. He married her because that was what was expected of a Time Lord of his station and because he (falsely) believed he had no real option of escaping it.

He can't remember the ceremony that well anymore; all he can really recall was the enormous sense of dread and hopelessness he felt leading up to the wedding. Afterwards, married life hadn't been all that awful; he and his wife, though not in love, had managed to make a rather nice family.

Still he could never feel remorse that he stole a positively ancient TARDIS from a museum and took off to see the universe, with only Susan in tow.


He can remember his second marriage in vivid detail.

He had been traveling with Romana and K-9 to a lovely little planet whose name he didn't remember (and, to go on a tangent for a moment, he is tired of people expecting him to know everything) when he accidentally offended the locals.

See, the locals in the town they had been exploring, placed a particularly high value on marriage. And he unthinkingly made a slightly negative comment on the subject…in front of the bride, her family, and the priest.

Before he knew it he was surrounded by a circle of people, all incredibly unhappy, and that was when Romana brilliantly intervened:

"Oh, pay him no mind. He's just nervous for our wedding."

But it hadn't ended there. The priest, who had a particularly evil smirk on his face, cheerfully announced that he would be only too happy to marry them right on the spot; so he had been forced to marry a second time under the threat of being chased down by angry townspeople whose honor felt slighted.

Luckily, Romana had a sense of humor about the whole affair and only teased him for a short while.

His only regret over this marriage, as he looked back on it after she and K-9 had left, was that he never had the courage to make it more than in-name only.


He tries very hard to not remember his wedding to Elizabeth I.

He had not been at his best when it happened.


Similarly, he tries very hard to block the details of his ill-fated nuptials to Marylyn Monroe out of his mind.

Besides, it hadn't been a real chapel anyway.


He wasn't sure if getting married to River Song had been the right thing to do.

He wasn't sure if he loved her as much as she apparently loved him; sure, he was attracted to her, and had grown to enjoy her drop-in appearances in his life, but he wasn't completely sure if his feelings for her ran that deep.

Though to be honest his doubt mostly came from the fact that he didn't think he loved her enough to potentially risk destroying the universe her.

However, he owed it to her, Amy and Rory, and himself to make this marriage work for as long as possible.

Besides, there were far worse fates than being married to River Song.

eleven, doctor who, ten, four, fanfic

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