Happy Anniversary?

May 17, 2012 09:16

Ten years ago I started this LJ. I weighed a lot less, and whined a lot less. As I read over the old entries I wonder where the funny guy went, the depressed and dumpy guy we are left with really doesn't do much for me.

I have met some fantastic people on LJ. Some of them are still here, some of them have left for other pastures. It may be an (essentially) faceless electronic forum, but I've met people here who I count as kindred spirits, and friends.

In ten years from time to time I wrote an entry every day for about forty days, but never ever did I make an entry every day of any given month. Recently I've found myself trying to force writing something, when I really don't want to. And the gaps in my journal have grown longer and longer. So I'm going to stop. I'm not deleting my account (I have a half year of paid status anyway) and I may well be back in a month or a season or a year, if the desire to write about my personal life at length strikes me again. It did after my first year here, I took a sixth month sabbatical in 1992, and didn't intend to return. Thankfully I did.

In the meanwhile I'm doing some gaming-only writing at Malapropisms 2 (Why not just do it here? Because I want to make it completely separate from my personal maunderings, chats about movies and books, and so on). For short thoughts Facebook is doing the job. Show up if you care too. For shorter thoughts I occasionally use twitter ... but honestly I read it more than I use it.

I'll leave the lights on, lock the door on your way out.


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