Application for route_29

May 05, 2011 13:11

Name: Nea
Livejournal Username: hello_aishiteru
AIM/MSN: Gekidasa Ecstasy / same as e-mail, real bad at adding people to my list though <.<.
Timezone: GMT/UTC +2 & +3
Current Characters in Route: Mitsuki Kooyama onesideofmoon

Name: Tooyama Kintarou
Series: Prince of Tennis
Timeline: Post Nationals
Canon Resource Links: Kin-chan at Prince of Tennis wiki || Prince of Tennis series

Personality: He's like a wildly jumping hyperactive super ball in form of a human. It's very hard for Kintarou to stay still for (too) long without getting bored. He also gets easily bored if there's nothing fun for him to do but luckily his endless imagination helps this a lot. Kin-chan's very impatient too, he just wants to go and have fun all the time because that's what life's for and almost everything can be fun in his opinion. You see him rushing everywhere without Kintarou really watching around himself or seeing things/people in front of him unless they're too cool to be ignored ...Or unless he rushes right onto them./you. This wild child gets easily excited by everything around him and he is too curious about everything for his own good. He's excellent at getting used to new situations in no time. No problem!

He loves being social! Getting to know new people is always fun and exciting and pretty easy for him on his part. If you try to avoid him, he may just jump on you even more - especially if he's already interested in getting to know a person like you. Most people can't get along with his hyperactiveness though, but he either doesn't notice or he just simply doesn't care. It's not like he can change his personality... Kintarou is very carefree, crazy and fun to be around. You just need earplugs (he is extremely loud), good nerves and some sleep before you consider spending time with him. He's also very chatty and may speak for hours if you don't stop him from talking somehow. At least you can be quiet if you're a silent type.

Kintarou is very stubborn. If he wants something, he will do his best to get what he wants and he won't give up unless he's trying to something impossible. He gets weird ideas and loves jumping around everywhere and even if he should do something important, he might run out to do something fun instead. It's very difficult for him to concentrate on most things for too long. Kin-chan's very naive and probably believes just about anything you tell him. If Kintarou gets upset or sad, it won't take long from him to cheer up again. And if you see his rage.... You better hope you're not the target of it because it's been shown that he's ridiculously strong (tossing motorcycles to other people and twisting a golf racket into a new form etc.) He seems to take life as a huge adventure. Also, you can't deny that he's STUPID. Kintarou's also a brat.

Kintarou can be cocky at times, whether he realizes it or not, and he never really calls most people with their names but rather makes his own ones. (KOSHIMAE D: = Echizen Ryoma because he read the kanji wrong, Super Gorilla = Sanada for some reason, etc.) But he does call people inside Shitenhouji with their names often. And he also likes to do whatever he wants, without caring about Shira's orders until Shiraishi scares him to line with his poison arm. It's a really scary arm, okay?! The best ways to make him do something are either hyperactivate him or freak him out.

+ Physical strength: It was cut by 50 percent but Kintarou lifts scooters above his head in canon among all other things. He's very strong, yeah. Also, he used to jump high into the air with very little effort.

+ ADHD or if you want to be more polite, or something, you can just say that he's hyperactive. No, he really doesn't count is as a weakness in general because being so hyper is so much fun in his opinion.

+ Knowledge of Pokemon World may count too? Well, in his case it should count (he knows stuff so he won't get in trouble so much!) I'm sure he's played the games over and over again... At least he knows that members of Team Rocket are the bad guys then!?

+ Stubborn: If Kin-chan wants something, he won't give up easily and will do anything he can to get what he wants.

+ Enjoys life to the fullest. Whenever something bad happens, he'll get over it in no time. That's life!

- Bad reading skills: He might get lost because he doesn't understand the signs and maps and all that~!

- Bad listening skillls, he's too impatient to listen to you and makes up his own stories.

- Lack of understanding in general. He's 12 but his mind seems to belong to someone younger than that.

- Being so impatient as he is can be a weakness too. He can't wait to get into action whenever possible.

- He's too naive for his age and believes most things that everyone tell him. Shiraishi has a poison arm!

Pokémon Information
Affiliation: Trainer
Starter: Growlithe
Password: Grape Jelly

First Person Sample: [Video]
[The feed starts with a little redhead rubbing his eyes and making a little yawn to the camera.]

I'm in the middle of a dream taking place in the Pokemon World. Someone just told me that my Pokemon Journey starts today, and gave me the balls and all that... My starter is my favorite pokemon...

Shiraishiiiii~! Why did we start making these Shitenhouji video blogs again? This video will just remind me about this dream and it will be boring when I wake up to the real world. Oh, my camera looks like the PokeGear at the moment, btw, it's pretty cool...

[...and it's pretty annoying too, he loves the games so much and hey, he's always wanted to be in the real pokemon world... So, excuse him while his mood changes to another direction.]

WAKING UP IN THE REAL POKEMON WORLD, HOW STUPID DO YOU THINK I AM?! IT CAN'T REALLY HAPPEN, OKAY?! [Yeah, stuff like that only happened in his dreams too often. This just felt like a more realistic dream with everything he was able to feel and touch and smell in the town.]

...I'll just go back to sleep now. [He waves to the screen and cuts the feed.]

// EDIT later when he has realized it...

[The video goes back on and now you can see a surprised little boy there. He's speechless for a moment... He's in the real Pokemon World and he's got a Growlithe too...?!!

Hyper alert!]

LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! LOOK! I have this second best pokemon ever... [Kintarou raises his Growlithe up so you can all see it on the screen with him.] and someday this will be ARCANINE, the best pokemon ever, ever... EVER!

Aaaaaaaaaa, I can't believe this puppy belongs to me now! The professor is not going to come to me and say "Sorry, kid, I was joking about that Growlithe so give it back. You start with a Magikarp!", riiiiiight?!!

[Okay, that was a scary thought. He had nothing against Magikarps, really, but starting with one.. No, thank you!]

I guess I can leave this town and go to the first route~!? There's so much training to do before I can evolve Growlithe and I want to see everything and every pokemon here and... Aaa, I'm so excited~!

Third Person Sample:
This was exciting! No, this was the most amazing thing that had ever happened to him! There were so many people who were just as new to this as he was too. Maybe he could finf some travelling company from this crowd?! Kintarou should definitely try to find at least someone to come with him to the endless journey, yes. It would be so much more fun with a new friend or two and their pokemon.

He looks around to see anyone - or everyone - who looks interesting, but his concentration goes more to the pokemon who are becoming friends with their new trainers. Ah! Didn't he have one of those too?! Everyone got a starter here in the pokemon world.

The redhead picks the ball and just stares at it for an extremely long moment. He knows how to open it, of course he knows it, but he's hesitating so much now. What if... What if it's a Magikarp?!! Or something else as bad as that?! No offense, Magikarp, but Kintarou really doesn't want to start his journey with you. Well, it's not like Kin-chan can avoid seeing his Starter forever. He makes a very wishful face and throws the ball into the air. "Come out~!"

There's a big flash of light while Kintarou falls down to sit on the ground. This was too exciting for his little mind and his legs were shaking so much. He'd go with a Magikarp too if he really had to but... Please, let it be something fun and friendly~! The kid's sitting there with his hands on his eyes, not even daring to look at it...


Kintarou's huge eyes go wide open. No, it couldn't be... That voice belong to...

Growlithe looks confused when it sees its new trainer. Well, that trainer sure doesn't look like a ball of sunshine... He comes to lick Kintarou's face, making the redhead laugh because it tickles so much.

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