Oct 23, 2005 21:37
Hm... so... I don't know. I'm bored. && Depressed... for some reason. Who knows? I don't.
Uhm.. yeah. lets see...I'm listening to Opeth again.
"Why cant you seeeee that I try... when every tear I shed... is for youuu" - Opeth "To Bid You Farewell"
It's a great song.
I'm talking to Dimaro right now. He fucking rules. I like him. Such an awesome guy. Yessir. :-D Uhmmm.. yeah..
I slept a lot today. I'm glad I did. I have this feeling I would've been depressed all day if I would've been awake. =/ it sucks. Who cares though.
i leave you all [[assuming that someone actually reads this]] with this survey thing to do.
GF BF app. o.o
Hair (color nd style):
1. Where would we go on dates?
2. Who are three of your favorite bands/artists?
3. Do you drink/smoke??
4. Do you like the beach?
5. If so...would you go with me late at night?
6. Do you like movies?
7. If so would you stay up and watch them with me all night?
8. If you were to take me out to a movie would we watch the movie?
9. If not what would we be doing?
10. Do you play an instrument?
11. If so...what?
12. Would you call me right after we saw eachother to make sure i made it home alright?
13. How would you rate your hugs from 1-10?
14. Favorite body part on a gurl?
15. What would you say is the best thing about yourself?
16. Do you have any reps (ie: heartbreaker, player, slut)?
17. Would you give me kisses just because?
What Would You do if...
I cried:
I said I liked you:
I kissed you:
I wanted to have sex with you:
I touched your ass:
I was hospitalized:
I ran away from home:
I got in a fight and you were there:
I got dumped:
I pissed you off:
What Do You Think Of My...
Choice of music:
Would You...
Be my friend:
Tell me the truth no matter what:
Buy me a birthday gift:
Lie to make me feel better:
Spread rumors about me:
Go out at 4am to get me chocolate:
Keep a secret if I told you one:
Loan me some cash:
Hold my hand:
Keep in touch:
Make me a snack:
Try and solve my problems:
Love me:
Makeout with me:
Hold me in times of need:
Ditch me:
Use me:
ask me out:
Pressure me to do things:
Wouldn't mind if I didn't want to do more than makeout:
Wouldn't dump me for stupid reasons:
Date me:
Have sex with me:
Makeout with me whenever you had the chance:
Hold me and make my problems go away: