Jan 20, 2005 20:11
Yep, only one exam tomorrow in Ms.Gardy's class and I was told it is easy. After that, I get to go home because Mr.Heartsoe said there is no need to show up 6th hour.
Julie: WHOO!
Best Quote of the Day:
Guys: ::throw a pencil at each other in French class::
Tyler: ::Raises eyebrow that them:: You strait boys are crazy...O.o
hehehe have to love it.
So 9 days till my 18th Birthday. I am excited but, right now, I am exhausted over the exams. On a scale of 1-10, I think I did around a 4 or 5 on my exams. French was easier than I thought but I had a little trouble here and there. I don't know if I will finish out the year with it though,I have a lot to do and a lot of things are riding on my shoulders.
Feeling kind of off today...maybe I am just tired
Lonely too...
I dunno...I just feel like nothing is going on right now. Used to be random hang-outs with people and now it has turned into boredom. In a way, I kind of like having my own free time but I also want to be around people.
What I really want to do is curl up in a giant feather blanket infront of the TV and have a movie marathon by myself or with someone. I think I might do that tonight but I will be alone ::sighs::
This weekend, after I work, I am going to sleep. No school Monday so I get an extra day to myself.
Anyway..nothing more to say really ::shrugs::
See everyone later!