When I lived in Florida, my family home was situated on a barrier island less than a mile across. If the wind blew in from the east across the Atlantic Ocean with a drizzle, the air had a salty tang; if a strong wind came from the west over the Banana River with rain, it brought the scent of dead fish. The latter gave me a headache. I'd hide in my
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There's this two-hour dead area on the interstate between here and Raleigh and if the wind's blowing right, there's a terrible smell through a certain section of it. I've never given it much thought beyond, Gross, but we were passing that way on Halloween and a friend who grew up on a farm said, "That's a pig farm. Smells like home. Terrible, isn't it?" It really, really is.
The ethanol smell, ugh. I remember my science teacher's class room in sixth grade smelling like that a lot and it always made me nauseous.
It's funny to me that my parents didn't do a damn thing to deter me from standing at the window during storms.
I'm trying to imagine living in a place where they rarely see thunderstorms. This would make me sad. We get them fairly regularly in the summertime here, but my boyfriend always acts like it ain't no thang. He doesn't give a damn about electronics, about showering during storms, about driving in them. And that myth about the rubber in your car's tires keeping you safe is so not true. We had a customer at my dealership a few years ago whose car was struck while she was driving and it roasted the electronics beyond repair and started a small fire. That said, I'll fully admit to making some really poor choices, even as an adult, to better enjoy a storm. They still fascinate me.
Where I live now, we almost never see tornadic weather, so even when an alert comes up, everyone else ignores it while I obsessively check weather reports. But! If we get severe weather alerts and then the storm misses us, I'm so disappointed. It's such a fine line. I want the adrenaline rush, I just don't want, you know, people's homes demolished by tornadoes and whatnot.
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