Nov 05, 2008 15:28
In the Facebook group we've been having some discussions about boundaries. Here are some of my thoughts after reading the discussions.
How far is too far?
It shouldn't be "how far?" but "how pure?" We should try to push the limits, to see how far we can go without crossing the line. We should see how much we can save for marriage. How much do I want to save? Ideally, I would like to save my next kiss for my wedding way.
Do boundaries change?
It does seem like a lot of times someone will say they have certain boundaries, but once they're in a relationship they tend to forget about them or justify changing them. I think it's a lot easier to refrain from things (like kissing, for instance) when you're not in a relationship.
Can you go back?
It can be hard to go back once you've gone farther than you wanted to with a person, but it is possible. As long as you both agree on what the boundaries are and are both committed to staying within the, it shouldn't be too hard.