Sep 26, 2005 16:50
Period 1
English. Blah, crap lesson as usual. I normally actually like English, dunno why. 'Coz I like writing, probably. Anyway, on Friday, I was meant to hand my homework in, but I didn't. So she gave me until today to do it... Except I didn't do it, lol. We were in the computer room some where along the J corridor, and I let Alice go on my username 'cause her internet doesn't work. So she was researching Avril Lavigne while I did nothing, lol. Basically, next week I think we've got to have like this presentation thing about the person we look up to the most. And guess who I chose?! Ha ha, yus, Matt Willis. I can do that easily with no research what so ever! *Grins*. Although, I've gotta read it out in front of the class :|, HELP!
Period 2
Geography was okay. Everyone pushes and shoves in the K corridor, so everyone was getting squashed. And guess who I got shoved into?! I'm not gonna tell you, I'm gonna let you guess, ha ha. Anyway, our normal Geog teacher was away, which was good, as I hadn't done that homework either.
I had to go see Ms. Shoote for a 10 minutes 'detention'. So I got Sophie to get me to the B corridor. I did know the right way, but I wanted to make sure, ha ha. Anyway, I walked into the room. Made up some lame excuse that didn't make sense, and said I'd hand it in the next lesson. Ms. Shoote said I'd done really well so far (Ooo, look at me all boffy :P), and if I didn't start doing my homework etc, my grade'd go down. Blah. So anyway, I've got until Wednesday (I think) to do it, so I'm okay.
Music. I loved this lesson. We were writing down the dynamics of songs, and guess what song it was?! Busted - Year 3000. So there was every taking the piss outta the song singing, and me and Megan spazzing and doing a funny and ghey dance in our seats, ha ha. Ooo, and, I actually nearly got all the dynamics right! Yay. Getting slightly better, lol.
Copied Michael's french homework (turned out the first part was wrong, ha ha). And then I ate half my squished sandwich (I ate some in registration), lol. That's about it really. Went pretty quick too...
Period 4
French! I'm usually alright at it, but I've forgotten every thign to do with tenses, and the 'er' and 'ir' verb ending. So I'm sorta behind at the moment. It sucks. Marked Michael's my homework. First part was wrong, ha ha. Erm, then we did... D'you know what, I can't actually be arsed to write, lol.
Period 5
Maths. I thought we had Electronics last lesson today, and Maths tomorrow. So I did no revision what so ever for the test. I was gonna get my dad to help me tonight, but t'is a bit late. Rounding up/down to a certain number of significant figures? Probably me being stupid, but I really didn't get it. I think I only got one part of the test right!
Bus home
Eurgh! No seats - AGAIN. Me and Harri were sitting two seats from the back. And this girl behind us stuck her head through the seats, and go 'bit dangerous for you two, aint it?!' Harri just turned round and went 'No...' So then she goes to her mates 'God I hate that Harri', and then they started bitching about Jade, too. Blah, rude! Then came the smoking... And I absoloutly stink of it. Megan (sister) and Briony said they could smell it on me. So crap. Mum better no accuse me of smoking. I hate the damn thing. Smoking = Cancer in a stick. (No offence to anyone who smokes, I just don't like it!)
And now I'm listening to McFLY - No Worries. Learning the words for Friday! WOO! I gave Briony a disc today. So I'll have a copied version until I have money. Yup yup yup.