...no not really but the idea certainly helps get my mind off this stupid storm. I was a bit of a mess before and because of that I left my room since I didn't want to bother Luna, but more really because I didn't want to see me like that which is why I decided not to go to Makube's little get together which actually did sound really nice. I'm sorry I wasn't entirely honest with you, Makube.
....I'm more angry with my self than scared. Seeing your best friend being brought back in the arms of an unknown suit of armor missing half his limbs---only to find out that suit of armor is your other friend who no longer has a body isn't sometime you quite forget. But Ed lived. Al now has his body. It's in the past, and it wasn't like the storm caused that.I know why storms get me like this--but that was in the past.
Now I've gone and locked myself in a freakin' broom closet which is just really pathetic. To hell with this. I'm not gonna let this get to me...it's not like storms will ever stop occuring so if I don't bother to try and get over them now I could be letting myself get depressed again and again over something that simply couldn't be helped and no longer is relevant.
Maybe I will go to Makube's get together. Just after I've calmed down a bit. This entry has required a whole lot of censorship on the part of my language.
Ed would be proud.