Musical Update

May 20, 2022 21:40

A brief recap first... I started a band with a schoolfriend back in 1983, when we were in our senior years at high school. Inspired by artists like Brian Eno, Terry Riley, Karlheinz Stockhausen & by the 70s-80s industrial bands like Einstürzende Neubauten, SPK & the wonderfully named Throbbing Gristle, not to mention Australia's own Severed Heads, we didn't let our lack of musicianship get in the way of using tape loops & effects on found sounds, field recordings & our own rudimentary skills on keyboards, guitars, percussion & whatever else kept still long enough... We recorded & self-distributed a few albums on cassette, making our own eye-catching packaging & posters to promote them, before we caught the ears of some other like-minded players &, more importantly, independent record labels. With a revolving door of other members, the 2 constants were my schoolfriend & I &, after the international release of 'Bliss' - an album fraught with personnel changes, personality clashes & endless remixing, in 1994 the band pretty much curled up & died, with my friend going on to more electronic pastures (to which I contributed occasionally) & I went off to join whatever pop/rock project would have me - my instrumental skills having improved somewhat over the years... But we always remained in friendly contact - those aforementioned clashes were never between the 2 of us & I kept a low-burning flame alive in my heart that we'd work together again... some day

A couple of years ago, the stars aligned to make that happen. We decided to keep it old school (literally!!), with just the 2 of us doing everything. Turns out I was the only erstwhile bandmate my friend had bothered to keep in touch with, so it was unlikely that anyone else was coming to the party anyway. What became immediately apparent was that we could still work together relatively quickly &, above all, easily... & ideas were certainly not in short supply. Given we both had & still do have, other commitments both musical & personal, we've been producing about 2 tracks a year for the last 3 years & with the most recent one nearing completion, we put out some feelers to various independent labels to see if anyone was interested in a pair of old musical nonconformists latest works. Surprisingly quickly, answers came from labels in both Australia & Europe (where there has always been a small, but constant appreciation of our music). We are now in talks with a label looking to release in both Australia & Europe, on CD, vinyl LP & digital download & the time has come to consider the cover art

Generously, my friend suggested I look through my photo archive for some suitably atmospheric images that we might consider. From an initial horde of about 19, here are the 6 finalists...

Any favourite, or front runner?... he shouted into the void...

24.05.2022 Edit: Despite a direct request for comment, or interaction, there's been no response to this post. I received 5 replies to this entry on Dreamwidth, where I have far fewer 'Friends' than I do on LJ. That's a sign, I suppose. I'll read & occasionally comment on other's posts here, as well as the communities I'm in, but I'll no longer be posting journal entries

musicology, photo opportunities

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