Vlad's Running Late!

Mar 12, 2022 19:21

Well, it's 7pm on the 12th of March, here in Australia & I can still read & post on LJ...

I'm in 2 minds about the boycott of Russian products. On one hand, the only way we can 'hurt' Putin is financially, so whatever little you can do, you should - so that businesses in Russia can bring pressure on Putin's junta in turn, to force a change of... well regime would be ideal, but a retreat back behind their not-inconsiderable borders would do just as well for now

On the other, is it fair to hurt the ordinary citizens of Russia because of their leader's behaviour? It's not like many of them were advocating the reclamation of Ukraine... or Georgia a few years ago (remember that?!?) for that matter...

But once you start taking the ordinary people's situation into account, you have to ask how the ordinary people of Ukraine feel about this too

And please - let's not forget, or lose sight of the Kurds, the Afghanis, the Rohingya, the Uighurs, the West Papuans... & potentially the Taiwanese - all of whom are the victims of political & physical brutality for no justifiable reasons other than the base human lust for power, greed & aggression

racism, ukraine, political world, greed

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