Friday Five Time

Jan 29, 2022 15:44

The moving finger writes; and, having writ, moves on…
Nor will I: ever write a word that fades in light, this I must be certain; else lay desolate at bight. <3”

― Omar Khayyam, Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám

1. Do you write letters on a regular basis or just for special occasions?
I used to... back in the last Century, when letter/postcard writing was the thing to do. I would always run out of room on postcards because I kept thinking of things to say, even in a short format. My letters were commonly multiple pages. As I got older & my friend circle contracted & stabilised, less letters were sent, but I'd still write postcards on my travels. Once the new Millennium arrived with e-mail & digital photography, it pretty much replaced both written formats, though Long-Suffering Partner & I still sent some postcards home when we travelled across the USA in 2012

2. Do you stockpile cards and notepaper?
I'm forever looking for pieces of paper to make notes or lists on, even though I know there are half a dozen pads or notebooks somewhere around here, I can never find one when I need it. Cards are kept long-term only for extra-special occasions, or if the message in the card is worth keeping

3. Are you in the habit of writing thank you notes or just send something via e mail and call it good enough?
The only time I've ever written thank-you notes was for our wedding, as tradition dictates. Birthday & Christmas gifts don't seem to warrant that kind of formal response & I find that it's sometimes nicer to call a person & thank them

4. Do you have any stickers or fun ink stamps?
We have a few stickers around the place, but no 'fun' ink stamps. In fact, I'm not sure if there's any kind of ink stamp in WaitingManor...

5. Without looking (and I’m going to have to trust you here), how many stamps do you currently have on hand (a roll, a sheet, something like that)?
Easy... none whatsoever. Or at least, none readily to hand. Maybe if I looked long enough in the motley collection of storage boxes I might come across some, but I somehow doubt it

friday five

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