Oct 02, 2021 08:46
I had my first face-to-face experience with a Covid-Denier yesterday. Face-to-face because she doesn't "believe in masks & I have difficulty putting them on", even when a complete stranger is coming into your house to measure it for flooring & you have no idea where he's been, or who may have coughed on him recently, or sneezed in his vicinity, or... we all know this
But, apparently, we also "know what a bad cold is like, or the 'flu"
I was invited to remove my mask while I was in her house, but the above statements were more than enough for me to keep it firmly on - in fact maybe a little tighter than normal... & you couldn't convince me to take my mask off for 2 million dollars & free kittens for life
White, Northern English ex-pat, aged 60+, living on Sydney's northern beaches. there's enough information there to place her in a few stereotypes, none of which are renowned for forward-thinking
I went for my weekly Covid test about 90 minutes after this encounter. I got the 'all-clear' by text last night & this was the first time I've been thoroughly relieved. Even though this woman exhibited no symptoms, it was worrying enough just to be in her house, because god only knows what other healthy precautions she's decided are too difficult to bother with. I don't know how rapidly Covid can manifest, so maybe yesterday's test was too soon... & perhaps psychosomatically, I have that feeling in the back of my throat that suggests an oncoming cold... or worse
stupid is as stupid does,
debtors prison,