For LJ Eyes Only...

Sep 25, 2021 21:07

...simply because there's no DW equivalent (that I know of... thank christ) to the LJ ONTD - Oh No They Didn't account/page/whateveryoucallit

The bloody thing is unavoidable, because it's always number 1 on the home page whenever I log in & it pisses me off for a couple of reasons: Firstly, because it's so obsessed with vacuous celebrity, while baselessly positioning itself 'above' it. Secondly, because it then proceeds to pass judgement on whatever 2nd-hand info someone has heard from whatever someone else's brother's cousin's gardener's nephew's neighbour saw, or heard - so therefore it must be true.. & thirdly, because it has become both the bastion & epitome of Cancel Culture... no regard for context, history, or god forbid, the other person's side of the story. The site's modus operandi & mission statement seems to be: Ready. FIRE!!! Aim is unnecessarily complicated & doesn't make for good reading, or responses. Okay, that's three reasons, but why let the facts stand in the way of a good rant - that's the ONTD founding principle, after all...

The only thing worse than the site's stories, are the self-righteous comments that inevitably & invariably echo the suggested 'morality', equally without research, context, facts, or qualification. The amount of comments that are along the lines of "Yeah right, I heard that... blah blah X did or said this to Y, or supposedly R saw G talking to C about Q's behaviour towards M..." etc etc until your brain implodes down your spinal column, is precisely the kind of thing that makes me never want to rely on a doctor, or lawyer younger than me... ever

stupid is as stupid does

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