Got That?

Jul 30, 2021 16:23

Whenever US President Joe Biden, or the guy before him, mangles his words, or speech, it's international news...

Okay, the guy's in his 70s & been in politics a loooong time

Our current Prime Minister is 53 years old & has been in politics since 2003. He regularly makes mincemeat of public announcements & speeches, without the excuses of age or confusion after decades at the ever-changing coalface of public service, yet nobody lambasts him for abuse of the Mother Tongue...

So, allow me:- Today's example(s)

During a grilling by voters from Mr Morrison’s Cook electorate in Sydney’s south on Thursday night, one frustrated resident said more Australians would get the Covid vaccination if businesses like restaurants were supported so they could open only to those who had received the jab

Mr Morrison said once vaccination levels were higher he agreed this should be an option.

“When we get our vaccination levels a lot higher, I agree with you, and I think there should be those advantages to those who have done that and taken the opportunity,” Mr Morrison said.

“Because if you’re vaccinated, you’re less of a public health risk than you are to someone who’s unvaccinated.

“I think the time will come when exactly what you’re suggesting should be able to be achieved.”

Mr Morrison has already indicated that people who aren't vaccinated “can’t expect to have the same restrictions not imposed on those who … are vaccinated”.

“They’re more at risk and would have to have more restrictions on people who are unvaccinated because they’re a danger to themselves and others,”

I know, I know, this is grammar pedantry at its most... well, pedantic. But in a country where we are bloody quick to lampoon the mangling of English by people for whom it's a 2nd, or even 3rd+ language, it seems only fair to point out the failings of the guy who's ultimately in charge of public education...

australian politics, the english language, covid19, vaccination

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