Jun 28, 2021 08:50
First business day of the latest Sydney lockdown & I only have 2 measures to do - both reasonably local & well away from any areas that are listed as a concern... Still - 2 measures in a whole day is not enough to keep the bank balance... balanced!
L-SP bought me a new iPhone12 last week & we have declared a new contest - 'WaitingMan vs Apple' - not so much because of my renowned impatience with technology (FFS!!! You are designed to have ONE job, why can't you even do that??!!), as my more renowned habit of giving implements in general a hard life. Sunglasses, phones, laser measurers, cameras, wedding rings... all have suffered in the past, due to my somewhat cavalier approach to 'everyday usage'. Well, the iPhone is an expensive little beast, so let's see how it holds up. Today will be its first day 'on the job', so at least it's getting a slow & gradual introduction...