Friday Five Time

Jun 11, 2021 07:36

These questions were written by dimity-blue on dreamwidth.

1) What is the best book you've read?
There are quite a few that come to mind... the first one then, being 'Mystery' by Peter Straub. It's the only book of his I've read & it ticks every box you could want for a novel

2) What is the worst book you've read?
There have been a few sci-fi/fantasy clunkers, including a couple of attempts at novels by Traci Harding, who is a former work colleague, but I'll go with 'The Name Of The Rose' by Umberto Eco. I remember putting the book down one night & deciding to stop reading, after yet another theological debate between factions dragged on for far too many pages. Love the movie though... & at least I got to see how it ends!

3) What is a favourite book from childhood?
'Now We Are Six' by A.A. Milne. I turned six a looooong time ago, but still love this book!

4) What is a favourite book from adulthood?
'Anno Dracula' by Kim Newman. There are 3 or 4 books in this series, imagining an alternative timeline where Van Helsing, Harker & others failed to kill Dracula at the end of the original novel & the consequences for 19th century Britain, then Europe, across the next 100 years

5) What is a book you've read a number of times?
I re-read pretty much the entire 'Discworld' collection of novels & stories all the time - in between other books old & new, I usually pick out a Pratchett to simply enjoy the style, the jokes & the characters

friday five

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