Friday Five Time

May 30, 2021 14:16

1) What are you doing this spring that you weren't doing 1 year ago?
Working for myself, as opposed to working in a small, office-politics-ridden place that was the very epitome of underpaid, under-valued & overworked

2) What pandemic precautions are you still taking?
Still sanitising hands, wearing masks where appropriate, 'checking in' to places via QR codes, maintaining 1.5m distance from people I don't know... & avoiding the state of Victoria & its capital Melbourne - sorry Reynardo... stay safe!!

3) What's a safety rule that's very important to you?
Safety fences & barriers on top of mountains & at cliff edges are not to be climbed over in pursuit of a better selfie. On the other hand... if you think they are... please - go right ahead. The human race is better off without your faulty DNA

4) What plants are blooming where you live?
Not much... it's late Autumn down here. I'm sure there are some hardy perennials giving it their best shot, but most Australian flora just concentrates on keeping its leaves during the colder months

5) What was your most memorable summer job?
The only 'Summer' job I ever had was in 1983-4 when I worked in an office transferring paper files onto microfiche... yes, before digital scanning. It's only really memorable because I earned enough money to buy a good component sound system with a pair of great speakers - which are still part of the home system today, 35 years later!!

friday five

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