Speaking Of...

Mar 23, 2021 21:29

... our snakes & spiders. they're having just as hard a time with the flooding along the east coast as the rest of us.... The Australian attitude to our venomous menagerie is evident in the captions to various photos mentioning 'cuties'... snakes!

Meanwhile, the road I prefer to use when crossing the Blue Mountains - the mountain range to the west of Sydney you need to get over to access the rest of the State, has been closed indefinitely, as landslides have weakened not only the road's structural integrity, but also that of one of the bigger mountains it snakes (sorry... that word again!) around!!

I prefer that road for 2 reasons: It's less crowded than the main highway route with all the tourist stops on it & for the twists, turns, sharp corners & much more dramatic scenery... including huge drop-offs that are often right outside the car door as you come around the corner. Which is probably why everyone prefers the safer highway. Well... that's going to be a busy road for the next little while, so maybe I'll have to take a leaf out of the white explorers of the early 19th Century who 'discovered' the way over the mountains that later became the highway (turns out all they did was follow existing aboriginal tracks. My favourite, now closed road, does the same. Credit where it's due!!) & 'discover' a new way over, or around, the western barrier walls of the Sydney Basin. At least I'll be honest about it & give any available credit to Google Maps...

weather with you, australia

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