Death's Seed, Blind Man's Greed. Poets Starving, Children Bleed

Nov 01, 2020 21:00

I haven't been posting about politics for a while, but that doesn't mean I haven't been watching... & watching is about all I can do

The Australian Department of Foreign Affairs & Trade has issued a warning about not visiting the USA, due to potential violence around the election. I note from the article that many Walmart stores are removing guns & ammunition from the shop floor, to discourage looters, but it may be too late, as people have been stocking up on weapons and military-style tactical gear as fearful Americans prepare to hunker down. Many gun shops have sold out of ammunition, and firearm stocks are running low.

I think I also mentioned the potential for Civil War version 2.0 a few months back... My name, apparently, is Nostradamus II. I know it's mostly scare-mongering, but it's being mongered by both sides of the yawning political divide in the USA & with the amount of civil unrest already going on, that's separate to the actual election, it's only going to take one Proud Boy draped in a rebel flag & a MAGA cap to light the blue touch paper... Meanwhile, also as I mentioned a while back, it's looking increasingly likely that the election will be decided, ultimately, in the Supreme Court, where... well, you know what happened last week - a new judge was installed after 60 million people had already voted in a Federal Election... Please explain how that's democratic, or even truly republican?!?!

Meanwhile, it looks like I'll have to postpone my long-desired European trip for a while, as Covid19 has decided to go back for a 3rd time this year - especially to the United Kingdom. I honestly don't know what's worse - denying the existence & severity of the virus & causing thousands of people to die... or knowing full well how serious the disease is, but then stuffing up its control & suppression, due to a lack of backbone, or intestinal fortitude, or... let's just say 'cojones' to get the job done - & causing thousands of people to die. Again, as I've previously ranted, the human race has faced these things before & has always come through, after drastic measures & consequences. Yet here we are today, complaining that this virus either has, or will, ruin civilisation (& it hasn't even been a year!!!), just because the economy is having a hiccup. The fucking Great Depression went for nearly a decade & you know who caused that? Greedy economists... the same guys who are demanding everyone & everything go back to work - public health be damned

Q. When did Bankers become more important than Doctors?

usa, bigotry, trump, covid19, ignorance, political world, greed

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