As I Was Saying...

Jun 11, 2020 16:44

... when I decided to opt out of further rants about the protests in America, I mentioned Australia was not without its own problems in that area, so I should stay quiet on this one

Enter our Prime Minister... who hasn't put a foot significantly wrong for a few months, so has obviously been itching for an opportunity to stuff things up

He claims there was no slavery in Australia. He is wrong

Says who? Says thousands of Aboriginal people, thousands of Pacific Islanders & thousands of Chinese, South-East Asian & Indian people, who were brought here to do all the work we once made the convicts do... for the same wage & conditions - basically nothing. So, any white Australian of convict descent should be just as insulted at this 'whitewashing' of our history, as any of the aforementioned others

They probably won't be though... in fact they're probably the ones who agree with him

australian politics, political world, australia

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