An unsettled night, a busy morning, but a quiet afternoon
The weather has kicked up a little since yesterday afternoon, with strong gusts of wind, rain & a corresponding drop in temperature. It all started not long after I got home from work, then we raced out to get dinner, came back & battened down the hatches. Now... where has Bella gone?
Has anyone seen our cat?
She'd come in for dinner, then gone out through the kitchen window, as usual, but she would normally take one look at weather like that & go... "Screw that!!" & come leaping back inside, with no intention of leaving until the weather improved. Not this time. I looked for her outside & in, before I went to bed, then again at 2am, because I woke & she wasn't curled up at our feet in the bed. So I got cold, wet & no result... Of course, when I woke again at 6am - her usual breakfast demanding feeding time, there she was at my feet, but not yowling for food, or offering any explanation for her night out
She was a bit slow & quiet, but I only worried when she didn't go for her breakfast the way she normally does - like a bull at a gate - & complained when I picked her up to remind her the food bowl was full. She ate some food, then disappeared again. L-SP & I had eye appointments to get to, so off we went for breakfast & glasses at the local mega-maulmall, returning home in our usual misanthropic mood we're always in after any time spent at that place &, again, no sign of Bella
Anyway, she turned up from wherever, a bit later in the afternoon, still a bit groggy & more than a little clingy with me as I worked away at some photos... she's sitting on me as I type, so any typos aren't my fault! We'll see how she goes overnight - all windows are closed! - as I've been stung before by her poor me, I'm feeling sick or look at my sore paw! routines, raced her off to the Vet, where it's turned out she was FINE!!!
So here is some fruit from my afternoon's labours
Sunrise at Artists Point, Monument Valley...
Arches National Park - an overcast sunset...