Sorry To Bang On About This...

Apr 25, 2020 17:58

... well, okay, maybe only a little bit sorry, but...

Dear People of the USA... okay, not all of you, but you know who you are... What the fuck are you doing?!?!?!?

In that article, there are a couple of photos of protestors in quasi-military garb, holding semi-automatic rifles (or are they fully automatic? I don't know - I don't own one & I don't need one!) 'protesting' outside a State Capital building. What the fuck do you need the guns for?? Who are you going to shoot... & why???!!! How is this okay... how do you justify attitudes that bespeak actions like this??

Nobody's shooting at you... the 'enemy', if you must have one, is microscopic & invisible... What makes you think you can kill a virus with an AR-15... what makes you think threatening to shoot government officials, or health workers, is the right way to go about restoring your supposed 'rights' that you think are being removed... What makes you think dressing up as soldiers & waving guns around is the right way to go about anything??!!??

And then there's the photo of the protestors smearing their faces & hands all over the doors of a government building. That's a sure way to guarantee you'll catch something... & with any luck it will be nastier than Covid19. Please share it with your friends...

Frankly, you're an international embarrassment to your country. Land of the free & home of the brave? I'm pretty sure your founding fathers never had behaviour like this in mind when they wrote the Constitution you like to misrepresent... just like Jesus would never condone this shit, no matter what your 'preachers' tell you he said...

Behaviour like this, is making me think the Chinese Government weren't being over-reaching when they literally welded people into their homes at the height of the outbreak. I'm pretty sure they remembered to let them back out... didn't they??

usa, stupid is as stupid does, coronavirus, covid19

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