Mar 19, 2019 09:09
A quick update, while I can use the computer at work
We have returned from our internet & phone free cruise in the South Pacific, but I am still relatively tech-free... as my phone has died - taking with it lots of photos I hadn't backed up yet, as well as various SMS & contact information... & my PC at home is still at the Doctor's, having its regular attacks of BSOD investigated & hopefully diagnosed & repaired. With any luck, I may get it back tonight & have a new phone next week
I have lots of photos from a Canon Collective bird-watching day, as well as the inevitable shots of crystal-clear blue tropical waters, white sandy beaches (but not of the hordes that covered them), but as I write, they are still on the SLR's & P&S's memory cards, awaiting download, PShop processing & posting
Watch this space...
waitingman about the house,