Jan 23, 2006 19:04
Christmas was kind of boring this year. Nothing interesting really went down. Mostly sat around the house watching movies.
School’s been going on for two weeks now. This is my last semester at Ventura College before I transfer over to Channel Islands. I’m finishing up a couple required classes but they’re the really easy kind. I have 3 art classes that are working out fairly well so far. Mostly I’ve been organizing my things back into the school lockers. But I started my Collage class and finished the first assignment. I also have already learned a couple new tricks of Photoshop in Graphic Design. My perspective on the world is beginning its change with a Women’s Lit. Class, and I aced my first online quiz for Anthropology.
Tammy and I don’t go out much on real dates but we see each other almost daily on the bus and have grown very comfortable with each other. We went over to Danny’s, yes Danny’s, before her classes started last week for a cup of coffee. And I had lunch with her and one of her friends at the mall last Friday. The biggest news of all would have to be that she asked me to a dance for her school in a couple weeks. She had to ask her parents first, of course, but they were fine with it as long as I shaved, which is slightly unfortunate for Tammy as she likes my facial hair, but it bothers me not.
On a personal self-reflection note, I’ve noticed I’m very confident lately, and it’s not so much to do with Tammy if that’s what anyone would think. It’s been happening ever since Christmas. Even just the way I walk and look at people. I like it, but I just don’t want it to have any serious negative consequences.
I finally was able to tell Tammy about LaDonna. Too doesn’t seem to affect things too much. I think my timing was important because if I had may have led to a conclusion of me being unavailable or uninterested in finding someone to be close with. But I’m glad I finally told her, as now I’m free to let out the anecdotes I’ve been holding back because of their relation to LaDonna. LaDonna is just one of my few golf balls in the mayo jar.