02 (redux): Work? Really?

Jun 06, 2010 17:43

[filtered to all non-drones]

I called my 'boss' and took a couple days off from work. Shouldn't, really, since there's not a hell of a lot else to do in this town, but I just can't bring myself to do it. What's the point of being a lawyer in a town without any crime? The real injustice is the life we're forced to lead here, and I can't prosecute whatever powers brought us to this crappy little town.

Maybe if I can get my hands on some decent coffee for once, instead of being stuck with that pre-packaged store abomination, I can open up a café. Give these people something to drink that's worth the effort. Anyone know if there's a supplier of Colombian dark roast around here?

c: kaguya, c: rock, c: klavier, c: norway, screw you folgers, ic, too much blood in my caffeine system, free-for-all, location: home

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