Being proficient with keyboard shortcuts, I am many times more efficient than those who mouse-click through life. (Whenever I was new in an office job, people were always amazed that I could accomplish a task that took them 5-10 minutes in, literally, 30 seconds. "How did you manage to select those paragraphs, delete them, paste them to the bottom of the page, and replace all instances of 'ConGlobCo' with 'GlobConCo,' all while I'm standing here?! It would've taken me all afternoon to do that!")
This is especially true because I'm a big fan of program/file-launcher
One unusual side effect of this, though -- combined with an 85 wpm typing speed -- is that, when I miss a shortcut or hit the wrong key, things tend to go very haywire, very quickly.
"Argh! Suddenly I'm trying to open a new document, open a bluetooth connection, play a strange song in iTunes, tab to another program, and enter hibernate mode! I have completely confused my computer in 8 seconds!"