Feb 10, 2011 01:05
I do not understand people. I like to try, but in the end, I guess I just don't get it.
You would think most people want to live a happy life; provide for themselves, and their family; appreciate those around them...all that good stuff.
What I don't get is when they feel the need to make others feel horrible. Is it because someone made you feel horrible? Is it because you are an extremist? Is it insecurity? Is it ignorance? I just don't get it.
October 11th has been deemed "National Coming Out Day". I love it. I am straight. But anything to help out my fellow guy or gal finding it hard to be themselves in this life deserves to not have to go through it alone. So on facebook you can dedicate your status to say you're in support of NCOD and whatever, yet on a group page, which is in rememberence of the recent youth suicides due to bullying for being Gay, there are quite a number of people writing terrible things about people who identify themselves as Gay or Homosexual.
Why does it bother YOU if there is a group dedicated to remembering these poor kids?
I'm not writing this to force my beliefs on anyone else (not that anyone really reads this anymore, it's more of a just getting things off my chest rant)
This is what I believe. I believe that people are born gay. I don't believe it is something that they "choose". Who would choose to get ridiculed by there peers? Who would choose to be tormented to the point that you want to end your life instead of enduring such misery? I believe in God. I believe that the Bible may be up for interpretation, and that it is old, and has been translated and can mean different things to different people. I could never look at my best friends whom I consider family and say "Oh hey, so because you love who you love, you're condemned to the fiery pits of hell for all of eternity - have fun!" It 's just not fair. If the definition of "marraige" is between a man and a woman, and a "civil union" is between two people of the same sex, then so be it! It's like saying, "A cross-trainer shoe is more for runners and a sneaker is for basic wear." They both fulfill the same damn principal! I believe our country has somehow opened it's eyes, adn yet shut them tighter than ever before. We like to tell ourselves we're more accepting, more tolerable of people who are different, but it's not true. I hate hate. To a certain extent I believe that stereotypes are born from some truth, and I have many homosexual friends who really showcase their love for Lady Gaga (who, in my opinion, is our generation's Cher). But there are so many young people out there who are being told that they are hated for feeling the way they feel, for who they're attracted to. I believe that looking for a mate would be on par like any another category, hair color, skin tone, same gender. Except you know how all the parts work.
(This is actually an old rant from October that I never finished, but oh well. I'm glad I'm getting it out now because it STILL irritates the shit out of me.)
Telling a same-gender couple that they're "wrong" for who they love is the same as telling someone they're "wrong" for loving someone from another religion, ethnicity, or "group". It makes me sick that we are losing our generation because there are people out there who breed hatred. As much as I like to applaud the leaps and bounds we've made with accepting others who we are, I also believe that with every generation previous prejudices are deepened. When will it stop? When will we all just be equal?? When will we love ourselves enough to accept who we are so that we may in turn love and accept others the same way?