never have i been prouder of a man or a country than i am this night. i have supported barack obama ever since i found out who he was and looked into his ideas and viewpoints. i voted for him in the primary election. i preached his words and now i will reap the rewards for at least four years.
for the first time in my life, and i'm sure a long time before that, obama is so much more than the lesser of two evils. he is a genuinely good person, and it's convenient that i agree with him on major issues. i will finally be covered under a universal healthcare plan. we are that much closer to a final solution to human rights issues in the united states. the wars will be prioritized, and a new economy set in motion. i was moved to tears during his acceptance speech. i've never had so much fondness in a leader, he is someone i can really look up to.
vince joined my band. reunited at last. the artwork should be done in the next couple days for our album which will be in most stores nationwide come the new year.
december tour. finally.
there hasn't really been any activity with potential females, at all, but the new thing is that i don't really care. honestly. it's working out for now. here's to the new year. byebye.