Dec 25, 2007 21:57
i havent posted anything on here in a while but i need to rediscover it as a place to vent since so many have abandoned it.
life is flying by. i have just finished my first semester of my second year of college. It's almost New Year's and i have nothing in life to strive for as far as personal changes except to rededicate myself to my faith. it's the only thing ive held onto through my entire life and im allowing it to move and shift into something different. its the only thing i cant swear to be completely happy with in my life.
for the first time in a long time im dating a man that seriously amazes me. a long time ago, after the first split with my ex, i made a list of the things that i would not compromise on in a relationship. this man requires no compromise. he is everything i asked for. he is amazing. the only drawback is his future career choice. he wants to be a methodist minister. this means if things work out i would be a ministers wife. however, im suddenly okay with that.
this guy could be the one. we talk about the future in realistic terms. he's even put it on a time table. he graduates in a year, i graduate in two. then we'll go to grad school together. i'll have a ring in a year. well, a year and a half from now since the school term is only half over. it's a plan im okay with
in other news, i have to work on this whole school thing. i bombed this semester. im going to be working my butt off next semester to come out without a horrible gpa for the year. its gonna be fun. NOT. (sorry 90's kid moment)But ive got a load of psych classes this coming semester and none of them are stats! oh yeah. it'll be good times for sure.
ive got lots of other things to say and think about but i wont bore myself anymore by typing it out here.