(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 08:52

The MSI concert was fucking insane. The A.K.A.s and Suicide City opened for them. Suicide City was great. We got really into them. MSI didn't get on stage until after 9, and by that time we were all drooling for Jimmy Urine. He ran on stage, and they opened with "Faggot." The whole place got so tight, and then turned into one giant mosh. I was about 2 people back from the stage, and I was still getting it. A few people passed out, and security had to spray the audience with water to keep them from overheating. And then hoses to keep them off the stage. Jimmy Urine definitely started jerking off on stage during "Masturbation," and the crowd when ballistic trying to touch him. Lindsay walked the beams on the ceiling, finally falling in the middle of a mosh. I got strangled trying to get close to her, but i managed to grab her hand. Purr.
I left with a few bruised ribs, missing hair, soaked with water and sweat, and reeking to high hell.

Dear Mindless Self Indulgence,
You are the sex.
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