Dec 22, 2005 16:01
What to write about my life. Work at Brown Gardner is so busy. You would think rich snobby people would have something better to do during Christmas than to bring their bratty kids into a Mayberry like restaurant. It gets so annoying sometimes waiting on people who look at you like your stupid( which dont get me wrong,sometimes i can be). Then going to Subway after that( who wants subway during Christmas anyway?) and dealing with people dumber than dirt who have no idea what in the world they want or they want the special 3 for 11.99. Damn go to Mcdonalds or something. But everything gets better at night when I get to talk to Mike ( new BF). He makes me feel so special. This year instead of going to Virginia to visit my aunt ( which really pissed my dad off lol ) I am going to Mike's dad's house and then we are heading for the beach Sunday night and coming back Monday. You know, something different instead of the whole Christmas hubbub. I still miss hanging out with everyone and hope everything is ok. It just so odd not seeing some of my best friends for months at a time because everyone is so, work, family etc. You know, people i use to talk to everyday and then go home and talk for a few hours. It is just weird. I am so tired right now and just want to go to the house and take a nap but i cant. Subway is calling me and I have to make money somehow. So I hope everyone is doing good and that yall have a Great Christmas or Holiday, which ever one you prefer to use because now people are making a big fuss over saying Christmas all the time because it is not respecting everyones beliefs. WHATEVER. as far as i am concerned it is MERRY CHRISTMAS! Anna call me sometime and i hope you have a good and safe christmas. Your still my best friend ever. Bye