Oct 11, 2005 09:39
so after a domino effect of crappy events i've decided that until 2 o'clock today im doin whatever i want.
meaning im sitting around remembering bernie. im gona miss him next season.
but one good thing did happen, tami lost the bet!!! well, not lost technically, but she did drink before 4 weeks were up. i missed drunk tami. last night was fun. i went 3-1 in beer pong. dominated in those three, but that last game i got my ass kicked. ooops. ah well.
oh anyway, the point of this post is that this morning eric left for class before me and he goes, "if i leave before you, you wont make it." and of course i was like "blah blah yes i will blah" then i got to thinking, and realized in not doing squat in any of my classes. plus im kinda at the point where i just wanted to say fuck it. so i did, and here i am, doing nothing. possibly napping and watching sin city. hahaha to you school.
so boo to the shitty weekend/shitty monday, yay for tami drinking, boo to my yankees losing, yay for bernie's great career... i could keep going but you get the point.
sittin around thinkin for now...