(no subject)

Jul 16, 2006 20:06

holy effin crap, i barely write in here but when no one really comments, why do i waste my time? i waste my time because i like sharing my thoughts and feelings with strange people. ok not really because most of them are my friends but still. this time i don't really have much to say and i don't really feel like complaining so i'm just going to write like i always do ...

work is starting suck now. sometimes my sister's gets in these stupid moods and puts me down and makes me feel like shit. all over dumb things too. today i locked her door and she seemed pissed off about it and said something to me, but when i don't lock her door and she wants me to i still seem to get bitched at for it. my boss scheduled me for a store on thursday night at six pm, clearly knowing that i was going out of town friday morning. the store is in muskegon and its nine or ten hours long and i need the hours and the money, but why should i have to rush to get home on time just to drive another two to three hours up north for the canoe trip. i don't want to sleep all day on friday. i e-mailed my boss and she didn't say anything back so i was just like whatever and my sister's like bitching to me about it. then i hear that donna, who does the scheduling, said that she's going to start making the schedule for who comes to and wants to work. reality check i've worked everyday since i started there and my availibility isn't for nights or friday-sunday but i get scheduled for these stores and work them anyway. i don't see the big deal aobut taking one more day off because i'm going out of town and already have a million and one things to do for that. stupid work :/ my mom said she'd help me with a job application for something else, which is completely different hours but a set schedule everyday. we'll see.

other than work nothing else has been going on. i scheduled my classes for school. i have all day monday and wednesday classes and then one class late on tuesday in farmington hills. i decided that i couldn't keep going five days a week so i set them up for all day and i don't really care. let's see how well that goes. i'm not going to put my classes yet incase that changes but wish me luck because they will probably be tough.

summer's almost over with, which means, steve comes home, school starts back up and i have a birthday. this year i only want cards and phone calls. whoever forgets it i'm going to be mad so don't bother making up excuses or anything because i probably won't care anyway.

reaching out into unknown spaces
with nothing left here to blur the view
now I know i've got to find this picture frozen in my mind
of a life I never knew

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