Oct 09, 2004 11:52
so yesterday... my day in school was alright. kelly gave me a bag with some food and apple cider!! and then a picture from when we went to the show. there was a game room type thing in grand slam and there was this "game" and it just have tickets in it and it was moving and there a sign on it that said "FOR AMUSEMENT ONLY" and we took a picture of it because it was funny. we had a game we got to leave early.. i almost forgot which would have been really bad. varasity lost and we tied 1-1. sam went over daves house last night! and its so exciting i cant put it into words! lol. i came home and talked to kenny on the phone before he went bowling. then i took some stuff over to ali's house for the yardsale tomorrow then i fell asleep reading perks of being a wallflower and listening to bright eyes. it was nice.
famous quote from last night:
me: if i was a book.. and books had girlfriends and boyfriends.. i would go out with perks of being a wallflower.
today jana picked up and we went to the yard sale over at the flying W. katie, whitney, katie, steph, erica, lauren, chelsea, ali, kelly, meredith and a few other people were there when we were. we went from 9- 11. i got a ring from one of the people selling things. its pretty i really like it. on the way home janas mom stopped at wawa and we got hoagies. now im gonna go take a shower because kenny's coming over a little later and we are going to my aunts birthday party. and its our 8 months! yay!
i love you soo much kenny