I'm really excited about going home. Really, really excited. Like, so excited that if my flight got canceled I would just start walking north. I've been having dreams (actual dreams) about grilled cheddar cheese sandwiches, about Macouns right off the tree, about sleeping in my bed and walking down Main Street, about tea in Emily's kitchen, about driving the truck down Route 30... I really, absolutely cannot wait. Not to mention the fact that my parents are conveniently going to be out of town the same weekend everyone's going to be home. Thank you, Roger and Linda.
In related news: I didn't have a ton of homework tonight (if you don't count the 6-8 page religion paper I have due on Friday. I know I'm ignoring the shit out of it.), so I decided to see what kind of work/reading I'd have to get done before coming back to Haverford. It's quite a list, and since I know you all are interested,
1. Write Portraits in Black paper (5 pages) on Beloved.
2. Rewrite paper on Huis Clos (No Exit en anglais)... My professor presented it as an option, and I think it's a good idea.
3. Read 1st half of Uncle Tom's Cabin.
4. Read L'écume des jours.
5. Read pp. 19-53 of Le Balcon.
6. Find and watch Eternity and a Day.
7. Read most of Saturday.
8. Write a letter for Steve (my poli sci professor from last semester), who is up for tenure.
9. Write a letter for Maud (my comp lit professor from last semester), who is up for tenure.
10. Make t-shirt for Carly.
So... yeah. I'm not going to have quite as much time to just sit on my ass as I thought I would. But at least I'll have something to do while Em goes to class on Wednesday...
Anyway... I have three more days to get through (that's six classes, two and a half hours of Lunting, a six to eight page paper, a FAB meeting, the OC, some reading, and packing from now. And maybe some sleep). And then I'll be on an airplane, and then I'll be in the Freeman sisters' car, and then I'll be in their house, and then my house, and then my BED... Oh man, this break could not possibly come at a better time.