Mar 14, 2005 20:50
ok so maybe there might be a reason why you didnt come over today...and if there IS and it's what i think it is...then sorry!
well talked to Nettie for a few mins today...gotta get back on @930 to find out if everythings ok...
not really much to say except i got THE *cutest* purse ever today at K-Mart and some cute panties...and a few new sports bra's cuz WHAH...mine don't SUPPORT me while im exercising and im scared that one of these dayz im gonna jump to high and knock myself out...lmao...nah they aren't THAT big...but there pretty damn some chap-stick...awwww...
went to dinner @ Ponderosa with mom...and can I jus say that when ppl act completely ignorant and immature in restaurants they should be shot...unless of course i'm included :-P
ISR til Wednesday...UGH...GRRRR!!! NOT COOL!
lovin the cramholes! specially now :-) (hope everythings alright!)